The life and times of a girl headed to a big city with the only certainty being the love of her life.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Thoughts on Working from Starbucks

I'm sitting in Starbucks for the 4th weekday morning in a row trying to connect to work, and while I'm waiting for my computer to connect to work, I thought maybe I'd write some thoughts down on life and working from Starbucks.

Yesterday was one of my favorite days so far. Harold came to sit with me at Starbucks until around 12:30 or 12:45pm and listened to me venting about my inability to connect to work. We went back home after an unsuccessful two hours for lunch (leftovers and sandwiches) until it was time to leave for work. I'm WORKING! It was only about two and a half hours, but it was still awesome to feel like I have a purpose in this city besides shopping for furniture I can't afford. While in a meeting with the store manager, the sky opened and it started pouring. It felt so good! It feels like the air holds on to all of this humidity until it just can't stand it anymore, then finally releases all of the moisture of the entire week in one fell swoop. After the store tour and meeting the many smiling faces of the Lincoln Park REI, Harold met me and we caught the L to come home. We got soaked! Just the two block walk to the L from the store and we were totally drenched.

Once back in Rogers Park we went to this old fashioned family Italian place a block north of our apartment. True to what Weezer and Jen said, this place had FANTASTIC food! Their minestrone was amazing! I warned Harold that that was going to be my "I'm sick and need soup" soup. Yum!

We went home and read, telling ourselves we were going to open a bottle of wine to celebrate our last night on the air mattress, but we both almost fell asleep on the floor by about 9. Oh well! Thankfully Harold remembered to pull the wine out of the freezer before we got into bed : )

Today we cleaned up the apartment because... our PODS are finally arriving!! They should be here in about an hour or so as should the movers that we hired to help us get everything up four flights of stairs. I can't wait for our apartment to start feeling like our home!

So, as I said at the top, I have started trying to work from Starbucks since we won't have internet until tomorrow. I've been at two different stores, and I've definitely noticed the differences in the neighborhoods.

In Andersonville:

~More dogs.

~More babies.

~More crazy coffee orders

~More young people

~More active store

In Rogers Park:

~More family of the employees

~More foreign languages

~More old men speaking those languages

~More meetings between friends

~More banter between the customers and the baristas

~More of those people who are considered "odd"

~More students studying

Both places had those funny conversations that you hear parts of, but I love the Rogers Park store for the basic fact that I live here. I see the same old men every morning and a different group is here whenever I stop by in the evening. The morning groups are the foreign language men who gather at an outside table and smoke and the evening group is a collection of older guys who have thick Chicago accents and talk politics. I love it!

Off to help Harold get the place cleaned up and wait for the pods!

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